10 February — 31 December

Open Monday and Tuesday, 8am — 6pm; and Wednesday to Friday, 8am — 7pm

A large-scale digital work by renowned New Zealand artist Lisa Reihana is immersing viewers in a visual spectacle, telling the traditional Māori story of the origins of our world.

Ihi fills two floor-to-ceiling spaces in the Aotea Centre foyer, enthralling viewers with the story of Ranginui and Papatūānuku playing out on 65 square metre digital screens. This makes it one of the largest and most significant works of contemporary Māori art in Aotearoa New Zealand. Don't miss out on a piece that is set to become one of the country’s iconic works of art.


I am especially delighted that a contemporary work of architectural scale is telling this timeless Māori story in one of Auckland's most important public buildings

 Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki Director Kirsten Paisley