Auckland is an innovative, globally connected city and the economic powerhouse of New Zealand, which is ranked first in the world for ease of doing business.
He tāone auaha, he tāone whai pānga ki te ao whānui a Tāmaki Makaurau, koia nei hoki te tino ōhanga aweawe o Aotearoa, ka mutu, e noho ana i te taumata tiketike rawa o te ao mō te ngāwari ki te mahi pakihi.
Our unique location provides the ideal gateway to the Asia-Pacific region, just one of the reasons that more than 100 multinational companies operate here.
Are you looking to grow or diversify your business? Perhaps you’re seeking investment opportunities or ways to attract international talent, upskill your workforce, or improve your climate impact. Find out how Tātaki Auckland Unlimited’s programmes can help.
Access insights and data on Auckland's economy through the Auckland Growth Monitor and the Auckland Index. These complementary tools provide up-to-date information across a broad range of economic areas, from business innovation to GDP and population growth.