Tātaki Auckland Unlimited lays a strong foundation for Auckland’s economic and cultural development; delivering a co-ordinated, region-wide programme to maximise cultural, social and economic benefits for Auckland residents and visitors.
E whakatakoto ana a Auckland Unlimited i tētahi tūāpapa pakari mō te whanaketanga ōhanga, ahurea hoki o Tāmaki Makaurau, e tuku ana hoki i tētahi hōtaka reretahi, e taupoki ana i te rohe katoa ki te whakanui i ngā hua ahurea, pāpori, ōhanga hoki mō te hau kāinga me ngā manuhiri.
We work with partners to grow Auckland’s innovation culture, support growing businesses and key industries; and attract foreign direct investment, international events and visitors from around the world.
Tātaki Auckland Unlimited also delivers some of the region’s most beloved arts, cultural, conservation, sports and heritage experiences, with Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki, Auckland Zoo, and New Zealand Maritime Museum Hui Te Ananui A Tangaroa in our portfolio. We are New Zealand’s largest conventions operator, and we work closely with Auckland’s performing arts and sporting community to deliver unforgettable experiences across our theatres and stadia.
A year of enriching life in Tāmaki Makaurau through partnership and collaboration
Watch a highlights reel of our work in the 2022/23 financial year on behalf of Auckland Council. Tātaki Auckland Unlimited overcame financial and weather-related challenges to deliver outstanding cultural experiences and economic development programmes that made a significant contribution to the re-opening of Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland from COVID-19 restrictions.
The highlights achieved included: an attributable $325 million in investment attracted to the region; 2.08 million ticketed attendees to TAU venues and events – including Auckland Zoo, New Zealand Maritime Museum, Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki, and those operated by Auckland Live and Auckland Stadiums; launching the Destination Partnership Programme and Discover Auckland digital platform; $74 million GDP contribution from major and business events the organisation supported; and the delivery of the hugely popular Auckland Diwali Festival and Pasifika Festival on behalf of Auckland Council.