Why is pay gap data important?

Accurate data provides essential information for decision making. Gender and ethnicity pay gap measures show who has access to higher-paying roles in an organisation and who works in areas that attract higher salaries. By measuring and then closing the gaps, TAU can contribute to a nation that uses all our talent, all the time.

We publish the data and progress annually to ensure transparency and alignment with our overall commitment to progressing pay equity at Tātaki Auckland Unlimited. 

Our pay gap results for 2023 financial year

TAU’s pay gap data showed that while we pay different gender and ethnic groups the same for the work they do, some of these groups were unevenly represented across jobs and at different organisational levels. The data indicated that we have a disproportionally high percentage of Māori and Pacific peoples employees at lower organisational levels, and this causes our pay gaps.

Employee Group


Overall gender pay gap


Overall Māori pay gap


Overall Pacific peoples pay gap


*As at June 2024

The gap above indicates the difference between the average pay expressed as a percentage e.g. the gender pay gap percentage indicates that women earn 3.1% less than males at TAU.

What are we doing?

We are putting in place initiatives to address our pay gaps under the umbrella of our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) strategy and plan. Our DEI strategy will focus on recruitment of diverse talent across all levels of the organisation, leadership development in under-represented groups, and continuously monitor and track how we are going. We will report back on progress towards these goals with next year's pay gap data.