Auckland is set to host the 8th International Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU) Conference in 2024 – the world’s most important event for advancing the use of physical education and games to improve young people’s social and decision-making skills.
The conference will bring together academics, practitioners, sports coaches and others to share the latest research and insights into games-based approaches in the teaching curriculum.
The bid was secured by Auckland Convention Bureau (ACB), a division of Auckland Unlimited, with support from Tourism New Zealand and The University of Auckland.
The conference is expected to attract 300 delegates and deliver approximately $470,000 into Auckland’s economy. This is the first time the TGfU International Conference will be held in New Zealand.
Instrumental in securing the four-day conference is Alan Ovens, Associate Professor in Physical Education at The University of Auckland School of Curriculum and Pedagogy and a member of ACB’s Auckland Advocate Alliance. This conference is one of three international events he has won for Auckland.
“This conference is an opportunity for our teachers, coaches, researchers and institutions to collaborate and gain a better understanding of international best practise with our counterparts overseas,” Associate Professor Ovens says.
"New Zealand is recognised as having some of the best scholars in games education, so we are looking forward to hosting the 2024 conference in Auckland."
Auckland Unlimited’s Director of Arts, Entertainment and Events, Richard Clarke, says academic conferences have many benefits.
Winning the bid for this conference shows that Auckland is highly-regarded when it comes to hosting world-class events and meetings.
Clarke adds: “Auckland is an innovative and forward-thinking city so it is always exciting to host academic conferences that not only boosts our local economy but is beneficial for researchers and experts.”
Tourism New Zealand General Manager Domestic & Business Events Bjoern Spreitzer says: “Events like this are incredibly important. They put New Zealand’s expertise on the world stage and help us secure a future pipeline of high-value visitors that will enrich New Zealand’s specialist knowledge and economy.”